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Arion Capital AG
Landstrasse 40, 9495 Triesen
Tel. +423 340 31 99
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Arion compiles and regularly updates the contents of this website with great care. Nevertheless, the data serves only for general information of a non-binding nature and does not replace detailed individual advice for an investment decision. Market and investment reports on this website have been written by our staff. The information and opinions presented on this website originate from sources which we deem to be reliable. Despite all care taken, the data may have changed in the meantime or are based on incorrect information provided by third parties. However, we provide no undertaking or guarantee for the accuracy, completeness or legality of the information contained in this website. The contents of the information contained in this website may be changed at any time due to changed circumstances, whereby we are under no obligation to update once published information. In particular, Arion shall not be obliged to remove any outdated information from the Arion-Website or to expressly mark it as being outdated.
Warning about risks
This website has been established by Arion exclusively for the purposes of information. The information contained on the website is not to be understood under any circumstances as an investment recommendation or as legal, taxation or other advice. Please note that investments mentioned on this website may involve significant risks including the loss of the entire capital invested. More specifically, please note that the value of an investment may fall as well as rise. A gain in value in the past therefore provides no guarantee of positive performance in the future. Investments in foreign currencies are subject in addition to exchange rate fluctuations. Investments involving high volatility can be subject to high price fluctuations. These price fluctuations may equal or even exceed the value of the invested amount. The preservation of the invested capital cannot be guaranteed. Certain information may concern investments that cannot be realised directly. It may be difficult for investors to sell such investments, take profits on them or receive reliable information on their value or risk exposure. When buying or selling leverage investments, investors may not only lose the amount initially invested, they may also be required to pay an additional amount. Therefore, products mentioned in this website are considered only for privat and professional investors who understand the risks involved and who are able to bear such risks from an economic perspective. Furthermore, potential investors should also inform themselves about the tax consequences that may arise from the purchase, possession and sale of investment products in their place of residence and always seek advice in their place of residence.
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Moreover, Conditions of Use may also be changed and the use of the Arion-Website may also be restricted or terminated without prior notice.
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Arion reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions of Use from time to time. Therefore, please read the Terms and Conditions of Use whenever you access the Arion Website and check whether you agree with the terms of any amended version. If you do not understand or do not accept any provisions of the present Terms and Conditions of Use, please exit the Arion-Website.
Applicable law
The user access, the use of the website as well as this general legal information are subject to Liechtenstein law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the registered office of Arion Capital AG, Landstrasse 40, 9495 Triesen, Principality of Liechtenstein.